Although every species is professional in their respective roles, they are all equally miserable
No one is allowed to learn new skills or take on new roles, leaving them unable to sustain themselves without the system in place
No one is allowed to learn new skills or take on new roles, leaving them unable to sustain themselves without the system in place
The chickens, in particular, have forgotten what freedom is, living their lives in cages and never seeing the outside world
But there are whispers of a resistance, made up of swans and ducks, who challenge the status quo and dream of a better future
However, they operate in secret, careful not to draw the attention of the oppressive rulers.
Although every species is professional in their respective roles, they are all equally miserable
No one is allowed to learn new skills or take on new roles, leaving them unable to sustain themselves without the system in place
The chickens, in particular, have forgotten what freedom is, living their lives in cages and never seeing the outside world.
The crow Jack, a powerful enforcer within the system, was revered and celebrated for its aggressive tactics
The crow was a symbol of strength and order, feared by those who would dare to disrupt the system
the crow was given the task of patrolling the skies, hunting down any intruders and protecting the valuable resources of the system.
The crow took pride in its work, reveling in the violence and bloodshed that came with it
As time passed, the crow became more and more entrenched in the system. It enjoyed the benefits of its position, living a life of luxury and privilege
Its aggressive behavior was encouraged and rewarded, and it saw no reason to question its actions. The crow had no empathy for those it harmed and believed that it was doing what was necessary to maintain order.
As the crow became more involved with the resistance, it learned about a new species of bird that had recently joined their cause: the sparrows
The sparrows were small and agile, able to move quickly and unnoticed throughout the different bird communities
With the help of the sparrows, the resistance began to make progress in their fight against the system
They were able to disrupt the flow of information controlled by the doves, and expose the injustices that the chickens were facing